Catch and Carry

Deuteronomy 1:30-33
"You saw how the Lord your God carried you, just as a man carries his son,
in all the way which you have walked, until you came to this place."
I can remember vividly walking the streets of Israel with my dad and watching the Jewish fathers and their sons. They were everywhere. You would see the older ones walking and talking with their fathers in deeply serious conversation. Sometimes, the younger ones were being carried in the arms or on the shoulders of their fathers, held up high as a prize. They usually dressed alike, with the prayer shawls and hats. At the Western (Wailing) Wall of the temple in Jerusalem, you would see them together in prayer. That might be my favorite mind picture. Side by side, they would stand there at that wall, prayer books in hand, rocking back and forth as they prayed out loud together. Sadly, fathers and sons were praying for the Messiah to come. He came, though they did not recognize Him. In spite of that, I still love the picture of them praying together.
Children, especially sons, are very precious treasures to the Jews. I’m not a son, but my father loves me just that much, too. I can remember backing up as far as I could (chanting “ready…set…GO!”), running full speed with all my might, jumping with complete abandon right off that front porch and landing safely in his waiting arms. I never doubted that he would catch me. Even now, I can still remember my dad carrying me. He would put his big coat all around me, keeping the rain off of me while he got soaked. Being caught in mid-air or being picked up and held close and carried by my father are ever present, always pleasant memories.
Our Heavenly Father wants to do that for all of His children. He never wants us to feel alone or abandoned or uncaught or uncarried. He wants us to be held and to feel cherished and led in the right paths.
Deuteronomy 33:27
“The eternal God is a dwelling place and
underneath are the everlasting arms.”
Becky Brown
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