The driving force behind all of our events and activities is to give people an opportunity to connect with the Gospel of Jesus. From children racing miniature, handmade sailboats to the youth crawfish boil we strive to make much of Jesus. Our worship services are designed so that the message of the gospel is evident in the songs we sing and the messages we hear. Everything points to Jesus so that people can get connected to Him and have (or begin) a relationship with Him.
One of the goals (as well as one of the marks) of a Christian is to grow more mature in his or her relationship with Christ. Growth occurs when we spend time reading God's word and praying. Scripture is full of characteristics that are part of a growing Christian's life. The apostle Paul instructed his young protege, Timothy, to "Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress." This was not for the purpose of "show" but the purpose of growth. Paul knew that a growing leader would produce a growing church - and that was Timothy's job. At FBC Richland we strive to provide opportunities for believers to grow. This happens through corporate worship, small group bible study, and one-on-one relationships in community.
The last instruction that Jesus gave His disciples was to "go." They were to go to all parts of the earth sharing the message of Jesus, baptizing new believers and, making sure they were taught to observe all the things Jesus had commanded them. Since the scripture is just as relevant for the disciples who physically heard Jesus utter these words as it is for us today, we too must go. To that end, we send our members out from here on mission. As we work, as we play, as we "do life together" we are to be about sharing Jesus with Richland and the world.