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1. to devote serious effort or energy
2. to be like Jesus in every platform He gives us

Strive.students exists for the sole purpose of encouraging students to follow Jesus and for them to devote serious effort and energy to sharing the gospel on their own platforms - school, athletics, band, work - wherever they find themselves.  


We are anticipating a great time at camp this year. Camp will be at Camp Living Stones in Englewood TN. We are going the week of June 16-21, 2025. The cost for camp is $365 this year. We encourage you to encourage your student to go, so they can have a week away from the world, and they can get alone with God in His creation in the beautiful mountains of TN. We pray the Lord will use camp to transform, equip, and for a fire to be lit under the students to live boldly for their faith. If you have any questions contact Billy through the office or his cell.

Office: 601-939-1715
Cell: 601-988-7181

Sign Up For CAMP


What an awesome opportunity for you to participate in helping to further this ministry here at FBC Richland. It is also another opportunity to have an awesome sweatshirt with our logo. Also a gospel conversation starter, so find out how to explain the logo, so when people ask you can explain it. Thank you for your support.

Order Sweatshirt Here