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FBC Richland is currently invested in two mission fields - one is across our town, and the other is across the globe.  GRACE HARVEST is our food pantry that distributes food to residents of Richland as needs arise.  We are also partners with church planters in CAMBODIA where remote villages are hearing the gospel for the first time. 

Jesus said, "...I am the bread of life..."

Grace Harvest exists to provide food to the residents of Richland who find themselves in need.  On a selected day each month (usually a Saturday) the center is open to distribute food to those who have made appointments.  Appointments are necessary to make sure there is enough food on hand to meet the needs.  The phone line to make appointments is always open.  To make an appointment simply call 601-559-0171 OR click the button below to submit your name and number for someone to call you back.  If you can and no one answers, PLEASE LEAVE A VOICEMAIL AND SOMEONE WILL CALL YOU BACK.

Request Appointment

SEAP Redeemed

FBC Richland has been led to partner with Ryan and Tara Spencer who serve as church planters in Southeast Asia.  The Spencers have been on the mission field for 10 years and are taking the Gospel to some of the darkest places in the world.  With our partnership we have committed to come alongside them and pray for, support, and join them in the work the Lord is leading them to do.  Our initial vision team traveled to their country in January of 2020 and were able to see and participate in the work first hand.  We have since commissioned 3 short term teams to return and join in the ministry.  To follow their ministry,  join their Facebook group: SEAP Redeemed.   Also, be praying about how you can be a part of this partnership.