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Why We Need God's Word

Posted by Becky Brown on October 13, 2022

In the introduction for this new unit of study, Lifeway Research provides us with the statistic that only 32 percent of “church-going Protestants” read their bibles daily.  Recently, a video presented by Shawn Parker, Executive Director of Mississippi Baptists, was shown in our church service.  In the state of Mississippi, considered to be one of the states in the “Bible Belt” of our nation, only 38 percent are believers in Jesus.  These statistics should stop us in our “frozen chosen” tracks. 

Unbelievers attempting to live life without knowing Jesus leads to present misery and ends in eternal destruction.  That is TRAGEDY.  Believers attempting to live a Jesus life without knowing God’s Word leads to stunted personal growth, failed discipleship, weak evangelistic outreach, dying churches and more lost people.  That is TRAVESTY.  Sometimes I find myself wondering how Satan has managed to lull most of the human race to sleep.  The enemy has been so very happy with these statistics.  Jesus weeps. 

Our church family has made a commitment to read through the Bible together from October 2022-October 2023.  We have begun with the New Testament.  We have already completed the reading of Matthew and are halfway through Mark.  The Lord has timed all this so perfectly.  Our last Sunday was spent sharing the Lord’s Supper together.  The reading for that very day was Matthew 26-28, the record of the Last Supper, the betrayal of Jesus, the crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, and Great Commission.  Now, as we begin this new unit in our Sunday School classes, we see the confirmation of our Bible reading plan once again! 

We take our scripture reference from the letter of Paul to Timothy, his “son in the faith.”  Paul described to this fresh, young, inexperienced pastor all the joys of the people he would be working with in the first century.  Change the dates to the present century and all the same counsel applies!  Truthfully, each of us needs to be ready to share the gospel in a hostile environment.  That will never change.  Like the regularity of the changing seasons, evil will continue until the Lord puts His holy finger into the windmill of time and stops it in its clock face tracks.  People need Jesus NOW.  How will they know unless we tell them and how can we tell them if we do not know His Word?

In 2 Timothy 3:1-5 you can read a page as current as today’s newspaper.  We know our audience.  Their progress is a downward spiral.  That is the preview of the message.  The vital message for today begins in verse 14.  Paul told Timothy to remember his humble beginnings with a grandmother named Lois (Greek meaning “a desirable way”) and his mother Eunice (Greek meaning “the good victory”) who both taught him the scriptures from a young age.  Timothy had a precious heritage of faith.  Paul told Timothy to hold on to the gold of scripture which had been poured into him. 

Paul had that same heritage of faith being taught by Gamaliel, the great teacher in Jerusalem.  However, Paul knew the scriptures, but He didn’t meet the Author until Jesus stopped Paul in his tracks on the road to Damascus.  Suddenly, all of scripture began to point to Jesus and Paul found himself on the right road for the first time in his pilgrimage.  Teaching Timothy and Titus and US became Paul’s delight.  God used Paul to write half of the New Testament.

All scripture is inspired by God (Greek “Theo” or God and “pneustos” breathed).  This book is the Word of God.  God used the Holy Spirit to communicate His Word to human writers.  The footprints of Jesus lead from the Garden of Eden in the book of Genesis to the Garden of Gethsemane through the Garden Tomb all the way to the Garden of the Tree of Life in The Revelation. 

Knowing these sacred writings gives wisdom, salvation, faith, teaching, reproof, correction, training in righteousness.  Let me add unity, forgiveness, passion for sharing the gospel with lost people. First Baptist Richland, have you hugged your Jesus today by reading His Word?  You will find yourselves being hugged and helped.  Let’s DO this! 

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