United Through the Spirit
Our final lesson on the subject of The Holy Spirit calls for a re-cap of what we have learned so far in this unit of Bible study. First, Jesus personally taught His own lesson to the disciples in the Upper Room as recorded in John 13-17. He said that the One Who was coming would be their comforter, testify about Jesus, bear witness of Jesus, call to their remembrance the teachings of Jesus, equip them for serving Jesus, connect them with Jesus and the Father and dwell WITH them. The Holy Spirit provides instant conviction of sin, providing the way of escape.
In John 3, through the night time encounter of Nicodemus and Jesus, we learn that we are to be born again from above. The presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives is the proof that this eternal transaction has taken place. Always remember that Nick at Night was the first person to ever hear the words of Jesus recorded in John 3:16.
In Romans 8, Paul affirms that the Holy Spirit indwells the life of every true believer. He leads, guides and protects. Your body is dead because of sin. The ones who believe in Jesus are alive in Christ. The proof is the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. AND…The power of this same Holy Spirit Who raised Jesus will one day raise us up as well! Through Him, we have the power to mortify the deeds of the flesh. We are adopted into the family of God as joint heirs with Jesus.
In Ephesians 5, Paul proves that we are to be light, not just shine light! Darkness has to flee from a believer who is indwell by the Holy Spirit. We should walk as children of Light Himself. Goodness, righteousness and truth are evidence of walking in the Spirit. Our walk and our talk should match the example set by Jesus. The Spirit will teach us how. Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs will become our worship and our battle cry!
In Galatians 5, Paul lists for us the Fruit of the Spirit that is to be produced in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Just like all of Paul’s lists, this one is not complete. To say a list like this one is complete would be to limit God and His ability to produce things in us and shine them through us to others.
This lesson comes from the letter of Paul to the church at Corinth. They were on base with some issues and WAY off base with lots of others. In this lesson, we look at the gifts of the Spirit. These were given to us to provide unity and direction in worship and and service to the Lord.
First, we must nail down the most important GIFT of all: Salvation through the cross of Jesus. Then, the gift of the Holy Spirit HIMSELF living, dwelling inside us. He is the resurrection power available to us moment by moment until we see Jesus. His presence provides unity. God the Father is The Gift Giver. The Holy Spirit awakens us to serve by the discovery and use of our spiritual “giftings.”
You can also find these lists of spiritual gifts in Romans 12, Ephesians 4, 1 Peter 4. These lists are not complete either. Do do so would be to limit the Giver of Gifts, which we can never do! There is not enough space here to list the gifts and discuss them. Every believer has the main gift, the Holy Spirit Himself.
Here is what we can know about the gifts. God gives them. They give glory not to the recipient but to the Giver. No one gift is “better” than another. All gifts are equally important. Gifts are given to help the church family grow by providing unity and equipping the people of God for ministry. Diversity of gifts and the use of gifts bring unity to the church. The gift of salvation is The Holy Spirit. The gifts of the Spirit provide unity and growth.
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