The Resurrection of Jesus
Just last night (Thursday), we celebrated the Passover together in the sanctuary of our church. To say that it was a very moving time of worship would be an understatement. Our speaker, Brother Murray Tillis with Light of Messiah Ministries, quoted scripture passages from cover to cover, weaving them into the story within the grand story of redemption and salvation.
He grew up Jewish by “faith and family.” About 40 years ago, He met Jesus and surrendered his life to Him. For the first 20-something years of his life, he celebrated the Passover meal in his own home. Rote. Ritualistic. Regular. He also said that during those early years, he totally missed the Jesus narrative. He said, “Jesus was right there that whole time. He was calling for me and I just didn’t see Him. I just didn’t hear Him.” Thank goodness, he kept looking and listening. Jesus kept calling.
Then, he “borrowed” a hotel bible. A college friend challenged him to read it. He literally found nationality and friendship with this Jew named Jesus. What a testimony. The thing that drew Him to learn about Jesus was (of course, the Holy Spirit) the Old Testament gospel thread. As he read scripture, he saw the transcendent story of salvation through patriarchs, judges, kings and prophets. He discovered them all to point directly to Jesus, the Jew he now knew as Messiah.
Today is Friday. We call it “good.” I’ve never really understood why. As I have aged, I am reminded every year that though it was a totally unequaled rough day for our Jesus, what He accomplished on Calvary made it a GOOD day for the whole world.
This week’s lesson is taken from Luke 24. I remember two kids who unforgettably defined the empty tomb for me. One was Jordan Taylor. When he was four (or maybe only three), we were trying to get the kids to answer the question, “When the women arrived at the tomb on Sunday morning, who was there?” We were teaching them about angels in the story of Jesus. Well, Jordan jumped up and answered (instead of angels), “NO-BODY, Bec! Jeeezis waz GONE!” Ken-Dell was the other tiny theologian that morning. He said, “Bec, don’t you know Jesus daddy juss woked Him up!”
They were both right!
The King James Version says it this way, “They (the women and the disciples) FOUND NOT the body of the Lord Jesus.” Jordan and Ken-Dell attended that same bible class and helped us review the facts. “Why seek ye the living from among the dead? He is NOT here for He is risen.” In every arena of His life, Jesus accomplished the will and prophetic plan of His Father. From the beginning to the end of His earthly life, Jesus was fully obedient.
Proof of the death of Jesus is abundant. The soldiers watched Him die. His mother Mary and John the beloved disciple watched Him die. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus put His body in the grave. Women watched as the grave was closed by a rolling stone. Clunk. The Roman seal on the grave guaranteed that the body was inside, behind the stone, guarded, dead…totally incapable of escape or removed by thieves. That Sunday morning after sabbath, the women knew exactly where to come and bring spices to complete the burial of His body…a garden gravesite.
Two full time angel celestials (part time terrestrials) greeted the women. Yes, Jesus had died. Yes, His daddy woked Him up! The women believed it. The disciples doubted it. Jesus began appearing to people. The journey from Jerusalem to the town of Emmaeus was about seven miles. Jesus joined two men as they trudged and slogged their way home. They were in denial and despair and disobedience.
He told them the entire Old Testament (prophetic) story of His birth, life, death, burial, resurrection and return. They had no idea who He was until they invited Him to stay for supper. Jesus blessed the bread on their table, a task for the host, not the guest. Then, in the breaking of the bread, I believe they saw the nail scars in His hands just before Jesus vanished from their sight.
Enlivened with fresh energy of spirit, they sprinted the seven miles back to Jerusalem under the light of that full Passover moon. With the slog from Jerusalem to their home coupled with their return trip, they travelled a bit more than a half marathon (14 miles) that day. Jesus “went on ahead” and was there as they arrived to tell their story to the other followers. They had to admit that the women were right!!!
I would call that day GOOD SUNDAY!!!
Jesus came to give away His life on our behalf. He gave Himself in Gethsemane. He could have easily made a clean getaway as He could have seen the torches and heard the soldiers coming for Him through the Kidron Valley. He gave Himself to His tormenters through several illegal “trials” and questionings. He gave Himself on Calvary for the whole wide world as He hung on the center sinner’s cross with a thief on his right and on his left.
Jesus showed them His pierced hands. His pierced feet. His scourge-pierced body. His side wound. His thorn-pierced brow. Every wound He had was a piercing. Then, Jesus asked for something to eat. They gave Him a piece of broiled/grilled fish. They watched Him eat. The Risen Savior savored every bite, I am quite certain of that. He hadn’t eaten a bit since Thursday evening…
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