The Protection of God's Name
I’ve been spending some time studying Psalm 90 as this new year begins. This will be my year for turning 70, that famous biblical “threescore and ten” according to Psalm 90:10. It was written by “Moses the Man of God” according to the superscript notes at the top of the Psalm. Many dedicated students of the Psalms believe that Moses might also have been the author of Psalm 91. Only God the true Author knows for sure. Truth is, they sort of go together and complement each other. The first is a prayer to God. The second is a declaration of the blessing of the protection God provides to His kids of ALL ages. Bring on the birthday candles and the fire extinguisher.
I remember the Gulf War in 1990 and 1991. My folks were living in Israel serving as missionaries with the International Mission Board. Their whereabouts were a mystery for a few days. Then they were able to come home for a few weeks in order to be able to return and re-establish their ministry after the war. We read Psalm 91 together along with all of American servicemen. Bibles in the color scheme of desert sand were distributed to our military personnel with Psalm 91 highlighted. I feel that same tension and comfort today as I did back then reading these verses.
I also remember this Psalm 91 in the context of the life and ministry of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot, missionaries to Ecuador in the 1950’s. Jim and four of his co-workers were speared to death by the people they came to serve. Elisabeth wrote their story in a book that you must read. It is called “Shadow of the Almighty.” Elisabeth and her daughter Valerie (who currently lives in Long Beach, Mississippi) returned to that exact area of Ecuador and continued to minister and share Jesus with the people who murdered Jim. Elisabeth passed away in 2015.
Psalm 91 is written by one person who has rested in the God of the Word. The first thirteen verses are a personal testimony from one who has been there, done that, got the tee shirt. The last three verses of the Psalm are spoken by God Himself in response and assurance to readers, a spoken and written word of invitation to come and rest in this trust-and-obey relationship with Him.
In the first two verses, we find four different names for God. First, we see Him as El Elyon, God most high. No one is higher. Second, we see Him as El Shaddai, God Almighty. No one is mightier. Third, we see Him as Moses did at the burning bush as Yahweh, the Creator God who was and who is and who is to come the Self-Sustaining One. He has never not been. He will never not be. He exists in the present tense eternally, The Great I AM. Fourth, we see Him as Elohim, the God of all. Every other god is little “g” and can’t hold a candle to our God, the One and Only.
When I first read the title of our lesson, I thought they meant His name needed to be protected. NOPE. He can handle that all by Himself. Yes, we are to reverence His name and bring honor to Him. Our title is directed US-ward. We are the beneficiaries of HIS protection over our lives. Never forget that!
He is our shelter. Shelter is a place of hiding and covering for protection. He is our shadow. Shadow provides shade from heat and personal damage. He is our refuge. Refuge gives security and provides hope and trust when we are threatened. He is our fortress. Fortress is impenetrable and considered to be a stronghold of safety. He is our shield. A shield allows us to hide while HE fights on our behalf. He is our bulwark. A bulwark is a strong wall that surrounds and stands firm. God is all that and more.
Our “job” is to make it our business to daily dwell in Him and with Him. We are to abide in Him. To make Him our home and our defense. We are to place our trust in Him and pledge our moment-by-moment personal obedience to Him. We are to rest in His faithfulness to us. In the nighttime when we should expect enemies to attack, we get our orders from Him. In the daytime when we least expect enemies to attach, we still get our orders from Him.
Yes, we will face trouble. Yes, we will lose loved ones to disease. Yes, we might contract a disease or face some event that will destroy our own bodies. God still wins. Because He wins, we win, too! Our eternal security is a done deal when we rest under His wings. No matter what happens down here, we are with Him in His home forever there.
God speaks at the end: “Those who love Me will be delivered by Me. Those who know My Name will be set securely on high. I will answer those who call on Me. I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue them. I will even honor them. I will satisfy them with a long life. They will see my salvation.”
God even created a whole team of innumerable angels, two thirds of whom chose to remain faithful to Him and His purpose. He will even dispatch those faithful angels to do His immediate bidding and accomplish His purpose in our lives.
Rest in Him this day. Trust Him for the eternity He has promised to those who believe in Him. Know that He will never leave you or forsake you. He stands between the enemy and His children. That enemy can only touch and wound those who choose to give away ground outside the blessed protection of God Most High, God Almighty, YAHWEH, Elohim.
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