Share Christ with Your Neighbor
Our next unit of lessons will be in the little book of James. It might be just five short chapters, but Brother James sure gets us told! Begin reading those chapters now as you complete your lessons on loving your neighbor.
For review let’s remember our recent lesson themes. From Luke 10, we studied the story of the “Good Samaritan” to help us focus on the fact that our neighbor is anyone near us at any time who needs help of any kind. In the 13th chapter of First Corinthians, Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit to pen the description of perfect love for neighbors…and everyone else. First Timothy 2 gave us the mandate and the instructions needed on how to pray for our neighbors. In Romans 9, we tracked with Paul as he trekked us through his list of ways to show honor to neighbors. Last week, we followed the story Jesus told to Peter in Matthew 18. Jesus tenderly, but with intentionality, continues Peter’s seminary training with a lesson he (and WE) could never forget on forgiveness.
Today's lesson reminds us that the best thing we can do for our neighbors is to share Christ with them. From John 1: 40-49, we observe Jesus and the calling of some of His first disciples to follow Him. I like to outline this passage with HIS three points. Jesus says three things to these men: Come and See. Follow Me. Go and Tell. This was His pattern for His entire ministry.
Jesus used a method of leadership called “Management by Walking Around.” He was a hands-on manager. He was a modeler by personal example. He walked as He talked and He talked as He walked. Jesus used every teachable moment to display love, truth and purpose. His one goal was to point others to a relationship with His Heavenly Father.
The disciples were blessed by the living example of doing daily life with Jesus. He told them what to do and showed them how to do it. His humility drew them in. His love covered them with comfort. His face was set like flint to begin a journey that would end up at Calvary. His steps stopped there. He was carried DEAD to a grave. Three days later, His steps began again to prove He was alive, having conquered death and the grave forever. These men lived these moments with Jesus and kept on following after His ascension to His Father. Aren’t you glad they did?
John the Baptizer was pointing people to Jesus through his ministry. In John 1:35, two of John’s disciples became the first disciples of Jesus: Andrew and John. The name of John the Baptizer’s other disciple is unrevealed, but, after study, I believe disciple number two was John, the writer of this gospel. The first thing Andrew did was search out his own brother Peter to invite him to follow the Messiah.
Jesus then found Philip who was also from Bethsaida, the town of Andrew and Peter. Bethsaida means “house of fish” town. Possibly, Philip was also a fisherman. John and James were fishermen. Peter and Andrew were fishermen. There is a clear theme and purpose here: Jesus was assembling a team of fishers of men! Philip was also concerned enough to find his friend Nathaniel (who is later called Bartholomew) and bring him to meet Jesus. Follow the pattern. Live the life. Enjoy the eternity. Take friends with you!
Our neighbors need a lot of things…but mainly, they need Jesus! It is our life’s work to share Jesus with others. To have the good news is an automatic mandate to live out the good news in our own lives and to pass this faith along as we go. Our families see the “real” me and the “real” you. Our neighbors have a perspective of our lives by observation of our daily behavior. What they see is who we really are!!! Living out the truth will possibly gain us the opportunity to share that truth.
God has given each of His followers a little bit of His light to shine. May we be called faithful little shiners for Jesus!
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