Set Apart for the Journey
In the fall of 2005, I was given the privilege of being apprenticed to a world class wood carver, Mr. Oren Segrest, Jr. For my first three weeks, I stood behind his chair and watched with total amazement as he used a razor-sharp carving knife to turn wood into wings of songbirds. Finally, he said it was my turn to carve…so show up tomorrow with your knife and we will choose a bird that brings us joy. He presented me with my own knife from his vast collection. I didn’t sleep at all that night for the anticipation of it.
I chose a Carolina Wren. We cut out the bird according to the pattern he had. He took a pencil and drew a center line from the area where the beak would be, up and across the back, all the way to the center of the tail feathers. He said, “Now, Bec, I am going to carve this side of the bird and then I will hand it to you, and you will make your side of the bird look like my side of the bird.” Seemed simple enough. Took him three hours to get his side of the bird looking like a wren. He handed me the half-finished bird and told me to take it home and study it. Three months later, I was finally finished with my side of the bird. Every time I looked at it, I saw something else that needed to GO!
When God sent Jesus to this world through the womb of Mary, I believe He was saying, “Here’s MY side of the bird. Now allow ME to help YOU look more like My Son. We will need to carve away anything in your life that doesn’t look like Jesus. The Holy Spirit will be your Guide.”
Salvation is a point in time, once in a lifetime, experience accomplished through the invitation of God, the shed blood of Jesus and the immediate infilling of the Holy Spirit. We don’t have anything to do with that event except to confess that we are sinners and repent and in faith accept the cleansing of the shed blood of Jesus Christ. We don’t earn it. God provides it freely. One and done.
Glorification is also a point in time, once in a “deathtime” (or rapture time, whichever occurs first) experience when we look on the face of our Savior and enter into the glory of eternal life in heaven with believers.
Between the bookends of Salvation and Glorification lies the journey of life as a child of God. This part of our spiritual pilgrimage is called “Sanctification” or being “set apart” as a servant of Holy God. It is called a “process” because this continues until we take in our first breath in heaven. Each day is a day to grow deeper as a student in the Word of God, to draw closer to Jesus, to allow the Holy Spirit to teach us, to identify our spiritual giftings from the Lord as we learn to use them in service to Him. Some grow a little. Some grow a lot. God wants us to grow a LOT. In spiritual growth class, we are not dismissed until we see Jesus face to face. Salvation is the starting line. Jesus is the finish line.
Paul’s letter to the Philippians is the place to begin. We want a microwave experience right NOW! God provides us a crockpot opportunity to simmer slowly and cook thoroughly until we are equipped to be His hands and feet and witness to lost people. “This one thing I do” is Paul’s “Book of Esther” line “for such a time as this.” Forget past failures. Focus on the future. Press on toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Believers are in this race. Sometimes we run with leg weights. Sometimes we soar like eagles on the thermals. Every step is a growth moment. Thank goodness, God is patient with us.
Nobody gets to quit the journey. Nobody becomes “perfect” on the journey. My carving mentor said, “Bec, our birds won’t be perfect, but we have to make them look as close to the real thing as possible before we lay that knife down. And. Anyway. They crucified the only Perfect One that walked this earth.”
Even spiritual giants have hang nails and warts. Jesus grins when He sees those flaws because He knows how to fix those and delights in preparing you for the repair of that next one.
Follow Jesus. Live by His standards. Paul said to follow him as he personally sought to follow Christ. Be an example to others as you grow. Watch out for those who try to drag you out of your “followship” lane on the track. Remember where your true citizenship resides. Check your passport. Anticipate the joy of your destination. Look for the One Who will greet you at the end of your sanctification journey. It will be the same One who was your Companion along the way.
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