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Paul and Timothy

Posted by Becky Brown on July 09, 2023

Our final lesson on mentoring brings us to the link between Paul and Timothy.  They could have possibly met each other on the first missionary journey which was made by Paul and Barnabas and John Mark.  In Acts 13:13, John Mark “abandons” their journey.  In Acts 14, they go into Asia and pass through Lystra and Derbe.  This was the area where Timothy lived.  He is not mentioned in that journey passage.  I believe the Lord led Paul and Silas there on the return trip to meet Timothy on the second missionary journey recorded here in Acts 16.  

Timothy was first called a “disciple” in Acts 16:1. In verse 2, Doctor Luke (author of the gospel of Luke as well as the book of Acts) records that Timothy was “well-spoken of” by the local brethren.  His mother was Jewish.  His father was a Greek man.  God had uniquely fitted Timothy with a godly grandmother named Lois and a godly mother named Eunice.  “Lois” means “a better, more desirable way” and “Eunice” means “the goodness of victory.”  The name “Timothy” means “to value and honor Theos” and Theos is the Greek word for God!  God set the sails of the spiritual boat of Timothy.  

In 2 Timothy 3:14-15, Lois and Eunice are not mentioned by name, but certainly their spiritual influence shaped young Timothy: “…you know what you know and who taught you…from childhood you have known the sacred writings that gave you wisdom that led to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.”  Obviously, God had well prepared Timothy and placed Paul in his young life to accomplish a major gospel purpose.  This young man would travel with Paul and would one day become the pastor of the church at Ephesus which was started by Paul over a period of three years.   

Paul’s final letter of 2 Timothy was written from prison in Rome.  The final chapter of that letter gives many clues that indicate Paul could have been listening for footsteps in the hall coming to take him to be beheaded for the sake of the gospel.  As the aging process encroaches by adding years to life, the determination to pay attention to the most important things increases incrementally.  I can personally testify (on the 2023 eve of the year of my 70th birthday) to that sense of urgency to pass on the flame of faith to the remaining generations.  Paul was probably in his late 60’s as he wrote to Timothy.  I am sure Paul felt it, too.  I’m sure he wished he had started much earlier… 

I call 2 Timothy 2:2 “the two by two by two” verse.  My personal summary would be:  Here is the passing of the torch in a few words.  You heard it from me in the presence of many witnesses.  Now, it’s your turn to entrust these truths to faithful men who will then be able to teach others also.  Pass it on, little brother.  Don’t drop the gospel ball.  Teach as you go.  Leave a legacy of faith.  Become a mentor who multiplies himself through the lives of others.  

The chorus lyrics of the Steve Green song called “Find Us Faithful” says it succinctly.  “Oh, may all who come behind us find us faithful.  May the fire of our devotion light their way.  May the footprints that we leave lead them to believe and the lives we live inspire them to obey!”  

Read 2 Timothy 3: 14-17 for proof of these truths. Not everyone is called to be a teacher of scripture or a pastor of a flock of God.  Never forget that EVERYONE who knows Jesus can study (the scriptures) to show themselves approved unto God so that they may rightly (correctly, accurately) divide (open and explain) the Word of Truth.  EVERYONE has a personal testimony to share.  EVERYONE can get to know God the Father through prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit offered in the Name of Jesus. 

 God used Ananias to help Paul recover his sight and be the first to call him brother.
God provided Barnabas for Paul and for John Mark.
God provided Peter to disciple John Mark as the writer of the second gospel.
God provided Paul to interact with the disciples/apostles of Jesus.
God used the disciples to bless Paul and to reach out to the Gentiles with the gospel.
God used the church at Antioch in Syria to prepare Paul for missionary journeys.  
God provided Paul for Timothy (Ephesus) and Titus (Crete) as young pastors.
God provided Paul for every recorded name in ALL the letters and writings of Paul. 
God used Paul to touch Israel, Asia, Syria, Galatia, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Spain, Italy,
AND ME…aaaaand YOU…aaaaand those whom God leads you to disciple.

So.  God wants to use US to be mentors/disciplers during our days on earth so that when we depart from this world, there will be footprints to follow that lead to Calvary and the story of salvation.  Manger is empty.  Cross is empty.  Grave is empty.  All of those were emptied so that hearts can be filled on earth and so that heaven will be filled with people who were led to Christ and taught how to lead others to Christ.  Mentoring and discipleship were God’s idea.  He always has good ideas.  His plan is best.

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