Keep Serving Faithfully
Be A…lert! This cold, mean, lost world needs more “LERTS!!!”
This week, as we conclude this session of lessons from Matthew 24, we continue to discover that the Lord never planned to uncover or reveal the exact moment of the return of Christ. From the words of Jesus recorded in red letters, the clear plan was to simply tell us what to do while we wait: Work, Walk, Watch, Worship, Witness.
Personally, we are to make it our purpose to be prepared in full readiness. We are to live in diligence and watchfulness. Daily, we are to be nourished with hopeful expectation of the fulfillment of every one of the promises of God. While we abide in Him and He in us through His Holy Spirit, God’s plan for us was to place our focus on the need to share the gospel of Jesus with those who do not know.
The Greek language at Matthew 24:42 literally (in word order) says: “Become alert and continue to watch therefore because NOT you do KNOW what type or kind of day, hour, lifetime or specific time period the Lord (Who is belonging to you OR your Lord) will come, arrive, appear.”
The Greek language of Matthew 24:44 literally (in word order) says: “Through (by way of OR for OR by) this reason you must be (OR have been) created/born/destined/designed to be ready (prepared) since (the) not seeming (when to be known or revealed) hour the Son of Man (Jesus) will come (arrive/return/appear).”
To “be ready” needs to have a little more explanation. It isn’t necessarily the “ready, set, go” mindset inherent in a foot race where you find yourself set up in the blocks, ready to dash toward a finish line. This “readiness” is more easily recognized in the “to do list” you make when you are preparing for someone to arrive. You clear your calendar of conflicting events. You wash and change the sheets on the bed. You purchase groceries for meals (or if you are like me and do not cook, you select restaurants and make advance reservations). You make preparations. That is readiness.
Jesus is coming for His church. Never forget that. The rapture could occur at any moment. Nothing else needs to happen in prophecy for that event. This knowledge should cause us to sharpen our focus and recalibrate our witness with our lives and words. Our readiness is to keep our lives clean before the Lord, our paths clear of all obstacles and our steps and conversations directed toward sharing the gospel with urgency.
Jesus has used this time on the Mount of Olives to share truth with His disciples. Jerusalem will be destroyed. The Temple will be torn down, stone by stone. The members of the early church in the Book of Acts will flee because of brutal persecution.
There is also a coming day when Jesus will return. Even today, we are living between the now and the not yet. We can allow the tension of this moment to sidetrack our faith or build our faith. I pray that these lessons have been used of the Lord to guide us toward a place of comfort found in fulfilling our individual responsibility.
Perhaps these lessons have done the same for you as they have for me. This in-depth study of Matthew 24 has reminded me that Jesus left His servants (of every generation) here to be busy serving Him. We have meaningful work. We must not be lazy. We must not let down our guard. We must be proactive in reaching out with the gospel.
In order to KEEP serving faithfully, we must have already BEEN serving faithfully. Don’t despair. Start today! Every sunrise brings a new opportunity to begin again.
Remember this truth and think of it this way: Jesus should never arrive as a surprise guest. If we belong to Him, His room in our lives should always be READY FOR ARRIVAL and OCCUPANCY!!! We prepared in advance. We have done those jobs assigned to us. There is NO anxiety in obedience. Improve your serve.
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