Growing in Christ
We have been looking at some characteristics of an authentic church. An authentic church is built on Christ. An authentic church is sharing Christ. This week, we acknowledge that an authentic church is growing in Christ both individually and corporately. Our lesson scripture passage is found in chapter one of the letter of Paul to the Colossians.
In November 2000, my church in New Orleans held a commissioning service for me. They had been my church family since 1984. I had worshipped with them and served alongside that family. I had taught bible studies there. I also led worship there for several years. We had weathered hurricanes and robberies and VBS kiddos (who can sometimes be worse than a hurricane!). They had seen me grow in my faith and answer the call to full-time ministry. By celebrating this event in my life, they acknowledged they had watched me grow and felt that I was prepared and ready for following the Lord in this next stage of my life and ministry.
Dr. Rhonda Kelley came that night to give supportive testimony as to my commitment and call to ministry. She read these same verses from Colossians over me. My church prayed for me and laid hands on me, sending me out as a missionary much like the church at Antioch sent Paul and Barnabas in Acts 13:1-2. I have always been able to look back at that evening and know there were people who supported me and affirmed my call to ministry.
To be an authentic church, the members each need to see their own personal spiritual growth as a priority. How can the church sing in spiritual harmony (ministerially speaking) if the members are “off key” in their relationships to Jesus and each other? It can’t! To serve Jesus as a well-oiled machine, every part needs to be healthy and strong. Paul used a LOT of ink to show us the church he called the body of Christ and its many members. The use of our spiritual gifts and church growth are incrementally connected.
Paul did not start this church in Colossae, a town in Asia Minor, northwest of Israel. He wrote the letter to combat false teaching that was attacking this family of believers. His writings pointed readers to the amazing Creator and the work of Christ and the present power of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Paul was writing from prison in Rome, incarcerated there because of his faith in God and his life that had been surrendered fully to Jesus. Paul had been a persecutor of Christians. Now he was one!!!
Paul has heard about their faith and their fruit-bearing lives. He (as always in all of his letters) commits to pray for them to be filled with knowledge and wisdom as they grow and serve. He reminds them to walk the talk, to be strengthened with power that comes from their Maker, to be steadfast and patient. He also desired them to be thanksgivers to the Father.
After his conversion, Paul had realized the need for gratitude to be expressed to God for the salvation that was accomplished by Jesus on Calvary. Paul declares his own praise of God by reminding the people that Jesus had delivered believers from darkness to light. We are now a part of the kingdom of The Beloved Son. Our redemption and forgiveness of sins make it possible to be completely FREE!
Christ, the participator in creation, “holds all things together” in this universe (Col 1:15-17). The Creator is also the Sustainer and the Resurrected One and Head of the church. Paul leaves NO doubt as to Who should be the one to be worshipped and served. First, we were alienated from God because of our sinfulness. We were reconciled (brought back) to God by the cross of Jesus. We are to determine to remain steadfast in our faith in Him and our service of Him. We serve Jesus by serving others!
The false teachers of the day were saying that they had all knowledge and that it was special, secret knowledge not available to believers. Paul reveals the greatest mystery of all: Christ IN you, the true hope of glory. The beautiful thing about this revealed mystery is that every person, not just Jews or Christians, but everyone can experience salvation if they will believe on Jesus.
An authentic church begins with members who believe in the truth of this revealed mystery, who are growing daily in their faith, who are naturally and eagerly sharing this truth with others who need to hear it. In verses 28-29, Paul states it this way: “…and we proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, that we may present every man complete in Christ. For this purpose, also I (Paul) labor, striving according to His (Christ’s) power, which mightily works within me.”
The Greek word here for “every” is “PAS” which means all, every single one, each individual person. An authentic church will be filled with people who know that people need Jesus. They live like Him to show the clear example. They love like Him so others will feel included. To be a healthy church we need healthy members who are growing and knowing and going about sowing seeds of the gospel.
This truth is for every……...1.
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