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A Life of Victory

Posted by Becky Brown on April 10, 2022

This lesson concludes our six week study of the “Final Discourse” recorded in John 13-17.  After the departure of Judas from the Upper Room, Jesus has been speaking to His disciples Thursday evening before the Friday crucifixion.  In less than 24 hours, the crucifixion will be completed.  The dead body of Jesus will be lying in a borrowed tomb.  From the Book of Genesis, each day begins with the the sunset of the evening prior to the sunrise.  Jesus knew HIS Friday had already begun.  The disciples were trying to wrap their minds around the enormity of the event. 

Many things Jesus had talked about had rendered them speechless, robbing them of the ability to verbalize their questions.  Their insecurity was showing even through their stunned silence.  Jesus showed compassion for their vulnerability.  To their amazement, He answers their “un-asked” questions. 

Jesus tells them that their sorrow will be evident but that their joy will supersede that sorrow.  Using an unusual, but very familiar illustration, He reminds them that labor pains increase in intensity and in frequency as the woman moves through the process of giving birth.  Almost immediately, those labor pains are forgotten as that new mother holds her child.  On the morning of the resurrection, they would almost be able to “erase” the memory of Calvary and file their despair away.  But this was Thursday.  That would not happen until Sunday. 

Some commentators suggest Jesus was referring to His final return at the end of the age rather than His resurrection.  Either interpretation is feasible; however, Jesus had invested His entire ministry preparing these men to continue His work in establishing churches and nurturing followers in their walk with Christ.  They certainly did not need to focus on the second coming at this moment in their pilgrimage.  Jesus knew they needed some "daily bread manna” to meet their impending emptiness, filling them with nourishment for the journey at hand.  Soon, He would show them His scars and share a meal with them. 

In John 16:28, Jesus reveals the panorama outline of His life and ministry.  “I came forth from the Father” indicates He was pre-existent WITH the Father.  Jesus is eternal.  “I have come into the world” indicates Jesus was born as a human baby, God in flesh.  This is the virgin birth.  “I am leaving the world again” indicates His departure was at hand.  He had been giving them hints all along their journey together that He had come to give His life away for their sakes in order to accomplish salvation for all who would believe.  “I am going to the Father” indicates He will be raised to life again after the crucifixion and will ascend to His Father. 

These “country boys” from Galilee and other local regions of Israel finally were able to grasp the truth coming from the mouth of the One speaking to them.  In verses 29-30, they said so.  Jesus reminds them His hour has finally arrived.  He will turn His life over to the cruelty of Calvary.  He reminds them they will be scattered by their own fears to run and hide in their own places of personal safety.  When they huddle together because of fear over the next few days, He reminds them that even if they leave Him by Himself to face the authorities, He is never alone.  He has been separated from the location called Heaven during His time on Earth but He has NEVER been separated from His Father. 

When my grandmother passed away, they asked me to choose something of hers that meant a lot to me.  I wanted a little metal “first aid kit” box stashed underneath the seat of her car.  She didn’t carry a purse (neither do I).  She kept her driver’s license in that box.  It also contained a piece of paper with the words from John 6:33 copied in her handwriting. 

“Tribulation”  means to squeeze, to press together, to crush.  Daily, we might feel our life has been crushed nearly to death.  Jesus defines perfect peace in the midst of tribulation:  “Take courage.  I have overcome the crushing world.”



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