Luke Chapter 17

Gospel of Luke
Chapter Seventeen
Day 17 of 24
...still on His way to Jerusalem...
Jesus continues His trademark method of discipleship by walking around. Every stone is a podium. Every footprint is a call to follow. Every conversation is a learning experience. Come and see. Follow Me. Learn of Me. Go and tell.
Actions should never intentionally cause others to stumble. Relationships should be kept up to date. Where forgiveness is needed, it should be granted. Where offense is committed, repentance should be made promptly. Faithful servants should simply serve faithfully. Period.
Ten lepers encountered Jesus. In accordance with Jewish Law, they remained at a distance as testimony to their condition as the “unclean” ones. They cried out to Jesus for mercy toward their dire and desperate situation. Jesus sent them to the priests for approval and “as they were going” they were healed. Only one of the ten healed ones returned to say thank you to Jesus.
The ever present pressing Pharisees push Jesus to tell them about the kingdom of God.
The “who” is the Son of Man.
The “what” is the kingdom of God.
The “when” is not precisely revealed even though a few clues are provided.
The “where” is not fully disclosed but the gathering vultures will be there standing ready to dine on the defeated enemies of God.
The Revelation 19:17-18 also speaks of this moment.
The “why” is that Jesus must first suffer many things and face rejection.
The “how” is being compared to the days of Noah and the flood and the days of Lot and his family at Sodom and Gomorrah. Business as usual will lull all the world to sleep.
Concerning the “revealing” of The Son of Man, verse 31 says “on that day” and verse 34 says “on that night.” Time zones have always fascinated me. I believe they are testimony to the fact that somewhere on this globe at all times, there are people awake with the possibility of recognition of and interaction with their Creator. He never sleeps. He never takes a cat nap. He never nods off even for one split second. He never wrings His hands. He never says, “Oops! I didn’t see that one coming! That caught Me totally off guard!”
Our times are truly in His hands. The steady, calculated steps of the Saviour were counting down to Calvary.
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